Thursday, 23 October 2014

Room 4 Steam Energy

Thinking Thursday 23rd October 2014 

We are learning about 'Body Fuel' and how it gives us energy. . OnThursday we had Christoph and Alessandra visit Rooms 2 and 4 to teach us how machines use energy.We learnt that energy is not 'made', it is changed from one form to another. A steam energy uses the heat from coal to heat water, which turns to steam and makes the pistons in the engine turn around. This makes the engine go!
This is Christoph setting up the steam engine. 
When we turned the handle on this machine, the energy we used made the light glow.

Whenthe handle on this machine was turned it also made a light glow.

The steam engine got a bit smoky and had to be taken outside to cool down.

We are making our own windmills.  We will use the wind's energy to make them spin.

Watch the Steam Energy video.
Click the following link